Lake And Ocean - The Coral Sea


       《Lake And Ocean》是英式味道浓重的一首歌曲,前奏干净的吉他声让我对这首歌充满期待,而主唱细腻柔软的嗓音则会让你一下就记住这支乐队,漂亮的管弦乐编排,器乐的演奏黑暗又梦幻,整首歌的旋律也十分出色。《Lake And Ocean》——一首温柔到极致的歌曲。



You don't fight
You don't sigh
You don't listen back
Even on the trail of love
You're all done
We're not finished yet
Seeing heights my heart bequeaths
You don't see
You don't need
You don't matter now

Even on the trail of love
You don't fall
You don't recognize
All the things I did for you
Cause I am over - the things you did to me
It's uneasy but it's true -
Didn't I say?
Didn't I treat you right you're breaking me down?
Didn't you treat me right I'm breaking you down?
All and all you're just a lake inside my ocean
All and all you're just for me
All and all you're just a lake inside my ocean
Anyway I see.
You don't fight
You don't sigh
You don't listen back
Even on the trail of love
You don't see
You don't recognize
All the things I did for you
Cause I am over - the things you did to me
It's uneasy but it's true -
Didn't I say?
Didn't I treat you right you're breaking me down?

