Tumbling Down - Venus In Furs



Jonathan Rhys的嗓音谈不上悦耳动听,但绝对特别。我见过不止一人说他天赋异禀,身为一个演员,能把这样的曲子唱得入味,确实不易。电影中,他的每一首歌都令人吃惊:从《Hot One》和《Baby’s on fire》中的火辣撩人,到《Ballad of Maxwell Demon》中的随性不羁,最后还有这首我最爱的《Tumbling Down》*。

和前面三者不同的是,这首歌听上去漫不经心又像喃喃自语,背后藏的情绪却颇有些孤寂落寞。就如电影中的主角Brian,盛极必衰,烧成灰烬,也如同Glam Rock绚丽短暂的历史。这世界上什么不是这样,你从泥泞中一步步走上顶点却无人知你,你获得一切却得不到自己最想要的东西。于是你走向了毁灭,tumbling down。




*注:电影原声CD中仅收录了两首Jonathan演唱的歌曲:《Baby’s on fire》和《Tumbling Down》;但是电影中上述四首歌曲皆为Jonathan演唱。




Gee, but it's hard when one lowers one's guard to the vultures
But, me, I regard it a torturous hardship that smoulders
Like a peppermint eaten away,
Will I fight, will I swagger or sway?
Hee hee, milady, she cries like a baby, scold us,
See her tumbling down, see her tumbling down.

Hail to the monkey, we're having a funky reunion
Wasted and sunk hecan only have Sunday communion
He's got nicotine stains in his eyes.
He's got nothing to protect but his pride.
All smothered in kiss or be drowned in blissful confusion.
See her tumbling down, see her tumbling down,
See her tumbling down, tumbling down.

